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Friday, September 30, 2005
Observatoire de la Franchise Interviews WSI President

Observatoire de la Franchise is a leading supplier of information regarding franchising for the French speaking market in Europe. With a listing of over 700 global franchises, complete with analysis of the key selling points of each, the website receives over 200,000 visitors a month. In their ongoing effort to assist individuals considering franchising as a business opportunity, L’Observatoire recently interviewed WSI President, Ron McArthur, regarding his experiences as part of the WSI family. The interview quickly turned to the future of the Internet and WSI’s position within its evolution.

Interviewer Rodolphe Hatchadourian was particularly intrigued to find out what makes WSI not only the largest global network of its kind, but also the #1 Internet services business in the world. In response, Mr. McArthur touched on the Internet’s limitless potential, how the Internet has become essential to doing business anywhere and everywhere, the quality of WSI franchisees (Internet Consultants) and the strong infrastructure in place to support the entire network. This was followed by a brief outline of the key services that WSI Internet Consultants provide to their small and medium-sized business clients.

The conversation soon turned to WSI’s global vision of the Internet and its evolution. And, while the evolution of the Internet can scarcely be pinpointed on account of the fact that no other medium or technology has ever experienced such widespread adoption or immense evolution in the history of time, Mr. McArthur was quick to point out that the Internet will undoubtedly gain in popularity and businesses will continue to rely on this medium for their prosperity - even their survival - amidst the developing global economy.

In closing, Mr. McArthur outlined WSI’s approach to the French market in Europe and noted that the organization is also turning its’ sights on Japan and China as important emerging markets.

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