Friday, October 7, 2005 WSI WSI President Shares Internet Marketing Expertise with Prestigious Canadian Newspaper
WSI President, Ron McArthur, this week shared his organization’s expertise regarding online marketing and the benefits and expanded possibilities that improvements in the ability to measure the effectiveness of such activities is making. Mr. McArthur shared his views as a guest expert for the Globe & Mail’s Front Lines features section which offers the Globe’s 2,692,000 strong weekly readership perspectives on current issues and events from people working at the forefront of Canada’s technology industry.
As the President of the leading Internet services business, Mr. McArthur is an ideal candidate to discuss online marketing and how it is evolving. He chose to focus on how marketing on the Internet has progressed from a leap of faith, due to the virtual inability to measure results that was once the norm, to a viable and worthwhile investment. As he describes, organizations are moving towards a mandate that requires their marketing departments to provide measured results (cost/value) so that promotional efforts can be benchmarked and evaluated against alternative options. And this makes sense for small and medium-sized businesses as well.
In his piece, Mr.McArthur outlines how online marketing was once considered a risky endeavor that smaller firms refrained from participating in due to the lack of budgetary wiggle room that larger firms have; essentially preventing them from taking the leap of faith once a prerequisite to online marketing. Smaller firms have a lot to look forward to however as the on-line marketing measurement tools that larger firms have, have become readily available to everyone. On-line marketing tools take the form of new technologies developed to meet the need for scientific metrics and the innovations in eMarketing such as video email.
WSI forecasts that video email will prove to be a real breakthrough in on-line marketing based on its ability to enable businesses of any size to create and distribute entertaining and personalized video messages at a low cost. And they can track how many viewers and responders they have to each and every email sent. The marketing field is now leveled - smaller firms can compete with their larger competitors who have cornered the market on television and print advertising; further strengthening the Internet’s position as the “great equalizer” in business. And, unlike the early days of online marketing, the introduction of video email to the masses comes with an inviting technology that has measurable results.
Click here to read the interview in its entirety.
About WSI
WSI ICE is the world’s largest network of Internet Consultants with offices serving over 1000 local markets worldwide. Ranked the #1 Internet Services Business by industry-leading Entrepreneur magazine, our proven systems are used to deliver thousands of economical e-Business solutions to small and medium-sized businesses annually. WSI has a global presence and a local touch enabling us to better understand and service businesses’ Internet needs with leading edge economical solutions.
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